How to Add or Change Your Logo

Learn how to add or change your logo on Maestro.

You can add a logo to your pages and live channels on Maestro that are specific to each page and live channel. With that in mind, let's review how you can add and change a logo to your Maestro site.

How to Add a Logo

  1. From the admin navigation dropdown, select the page or live channel where you'd like to add a logo
  2. Select "Edit Channel," then click the gear icon on the "Logo" section in the top left corner of the page or live channel
  3. Upload an image or select one from the library (Note: Logo size requirements: 500x150)

  4. Optionally, you can add a link to your logo.
  5. Click "Save".
  6. Click "Publish" in the top right-hand corner of the site to push the changes live

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