How to Create and Add a Card

Learn how to create and add cards to your streams.

Cards are semi-permanent messages that appear over your channel's sidebar. They offer a great way to deliver a message to new visitors or highlight content.

Unlike overlays, which disappear after a set amount of time, a card remains over the sidebar until the user dismisses it themselves or it is manually removed by an admin

After selecting the channel, creating and adding a card can be done from the Editor or Panels tab in the admin navigation bar.

How to Create Cards in Editor

  1. Click the "Edit Channel" button at the top right of your Maestro Site
  2. Click the gear icon in the sidebar to add or edit a Card.
  3. Click the dropdown arrow of the Panels Modal in the "Cards" section to reveal the types of Cards to you plan display on your Live Channel.

  4. To turn on and display a Card, toggle the switch next to your selection to "on."

  5. To configure the Card you'd like to use with your own content, click the gear icon.

6. Once you've configured your card to your liking, don't forget to click "SAVE" and "PUBLISH" to push the card live to your end-users!

Card Types

Image - Display an image and optionally add a clickable call to action.

Message - Display a custom message with a title, body, and optional clickable call to action.

Multiple Choice - Drive engagement to a poll, prediction, or trivia question.

Person - Add an individual's or group's bio and headshot to the sidebar.

Available Call to Actions

  1. None
  2. Facebook Share - Adds a button to share a link to the stream to Facebook.
  3. Open link - Opens a third-party link in a new tab.
  4. Play video - Add a link to another video on your maestro site, opens in a new tab.
  5. Show person - Add a profile for an an individual. These can have links and a small bio.
  6. Show panel - Switches the currently visable panel to a particular panel of your choosing on your Live Channel.
  7. HTML

Recommended Card Dimensions

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