How to Edit the Social Section

Learn how to edit the social section of your channels on Maestro.

The social section of your live channel or page allows you to link users to your social media and prompts users to tweet using a hashtag of your choosing.

Here's how you can edit and customize the social section on your live channel or page.

  1. From the channel navigation dropdown, select the live channel or page where you'd like to add a social section
  2. Click "Edit Channel" from the Admin Bar, at the top right of your window.
  3. Towards the bottom of the page or Channel, find the section labeled "Social"
  4. Click the Gear button in the Social section to edit
  5. Click "Add Icon" or "Hashtag"

    1. Add Icon: Select an icon and add your social’s URL. When a user clicks on this icon they will be taken to the linked page.

      Choose the icon you'd like to use from the dropdown, and add the link you'd like to direct users to. When you're finished, click "Add".

    2. Hashtag: Enter your hashtag text and hashtag Tweet Message.

      When a user clicks on your hashtag text they’ll be prompted to login to Twitter. Once they log in, a Tweet will automatically populate with your set Tweet Message ready for them to post.
  6. After adding an icon or hashtag click "Add"
  7. When you're finished, push your changes live by clicking the "PUBLISH" button in the top right hand corner of the window.

  8. Then select "Exit Editor"

Note: To delete icons or hashtags, click the "x" in the corner of the box around the item you wish to remove. Make sure you click "Publish."

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