Learn how to update the credit card you have on file for your Maestro Subscription.
Updating your payment method for your Maestro subscription is easy. All you have to do is follow these steps:
IMPORTANT NOTE: This article is for Clients of Maestro who use our Product to build their video website. If you are a viewer, and you have a ticket or subscription to content hosted on Maestro, learn how to change your payment method HERE.
- Log in with an Administrator Account to your Maestro instance (Example: https://maestro.tv/YourSite)
- On the left hand side of the window is the Admin toolbar. Click the "Site Settings" button.
- In Site Settings, click "Billing"
- Within the Billing tab, scroll to the "How You Pay" section
- Here you can view what credit card we have on file, click "Add a new payment method" to add a new card. To make a card your primary payment method, click "Make Primary" on your desired method.
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