How to Create a Ticket or Subscription

Learn how to create a ticket to monetize your content on Maestro.

Two of the top video monetization methods on Maestro are ticketing and subscriptions. You can add ticketing or subscriptions to any page or live channel on your Maestro site by customizing your access cate. 

To do so, click "Access" in the Admin Bar.


How to Create a Subscription

  1. Click "EDIT GATE"

  2. Click "Set up Access"

  3. Click "Ticket, Bundle, or Subscription" and then click "ADD TICKET, BUNDLE, OR SUBSCRIPTION"
  4. In the following modal, click "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION"

  5. The "Create Subscription" modal will appear. In this modal enter the following:
    • Name of the subscription: This is what your viewers will see on the paywall
    • Description: Use this field to tell your users what to expect when they purchase this subscription
    • SKU: This is not seen by viewers but is used for processing and reporting purposes only
6. Select a billing cycle
    • Monthly: Creates a monthly recurring charge (i.e., a monthly subscription)
    • Annually: Creates an annually recurring charge (i.e., an annual/yearly subscription) 
7. Click "Save" in the top right corner of the modal

How to Create a Ticket

  1. Click "Create Ticket"
  2. Enter a Name (Note: This is what your viewers will see)
  3. Modify the SKU if you'd like (Note: The SKU will automatically populate from the ticket name)
  4. Add an Event Date
  5. Enter a price and a currency.
  6. Click "Save" in the top right corner of the modal

For information on Ticket and Merchandise Bundles, please see our dedicated article here.

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