How to Use Live-to-VOD Archiving

Learn how to view and utilize a recording of a past live stream on Maestro.

Whenever you live stream on Maestro, your video feed is automatically recorded and archived for later use on the Maestro platform.

Once you click the "Offline" button to end your stream, Maestro will automatically begin the process of transcoding your video to add it to your VOD library.

As soon as the transcoding process is complete, the recording of the stream will become available in your library for future use.

From there, you can add the VOD Content via the Channels menu for continued viewing.

Live-to-VOD Archiving FAQ

Here are a few frequently asked questions about auto-archiving live streams on Maestro.

Why should I record my live streams?

You can use your recorded streams for a variety of purposes.

A common use case of live-to-VOD is making a replay available for a certain period of time after the event. You can do this by setting the recording as your "Offline Video" for the duration of the replay period.

Does this capture the full experience (e.g., Overlays and Panels)?

This only captures the video feed itself, not the interactive features, such as overlays or panels.

If you'd like to capture the full Maestro experience, we recommend viewing in an incognito browser (not as an admin) and recording via Quicktime or some other screen recording software.

Can I download the recording?

Currently, we do not offer the ability to download your VOD recordings from Maestro. If you'd like a copy of your stream for use outside of the Maestro platform, we recommend recording the stream locally (i.e. via streaming software like OBS, Wirecast, etc.) 

What if I'm using a third-party video player?

If you are using a third-party player, such as YouTube, Twitch, or Vimeo, we do not create a recording of the stream because it is handled by the third-party platform. 

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