How to Create a Paywall Gate for Subscriptions, Bundles, or Tickets

Learn how to create paywall gates for video monetization with subscriptions, bundles, and tickets.

Paywalls, which are also called Subscription, Bundle, or Ticket Gates, allow you to sell tickets, bundles, or subscriptions.

Gates are created on a channel-specific basis. That means when a channel is gated, the viewer needs the associated ticket and/or subscription to view that specific channel. 

Here are the steps you can follow to add a ticket or subscription gate to your channel.

  1. Click "Channels" from the Admin Bar
  2. With your channel selected, click the "Edit Gate" button in the top right hand corner of the site.
  3. The site will show a preview of the gate
  4. Click the area marked “Access Control”
  5. You'll be prompted to choose a gate type. Choose "Ticket, Bundle, or Subscription"

  1. Click "Add Ticket, Bundle, or Subscription"
  2. Select or create the ticket, subscription, or bundle that you'd like to add to the gate. (Note: For more detailed steps on Creating a Bundle, please see our dedicated article on the subject HERE)
  3. To create a Ticket or Subscription, fill out the requested fields:
    • Name: Name of the event
    • Description: Description of event
    • Date: Date and time of the event. NOTE: This date affects the date you will receive your payout from Maestro. For more information, please click here.
    • Price and currency
  4. Click the "Save" button in the top right of the modal.
  5. Select desired ticket or subscription(s) using the "Use" button: 
  6. Once you click "USE", the Access Control modal will appear and show you the current active entitlements attached to the gate.

  7. Once all entitlements needed are attached to the gate, click "DONE."
  8. The entitlements attached to the gate will now show in the Access Control section. Click "Publish" in the top right corner of the site to save the changes.

  9. Ensure that the "Enable Gate" toggle is switched to “On” to activate the gate and open up sales!

Note: You can remove or change the gate at any time by toggling the gate "Off," if your plan allows free events, or editing it.

Note: To preview the Gate, simply view the Gated Channel in a logged-out state. One easy way to do this is by opening the Channel in a private/incognito browsing window.

Note: You cannot put YouTube or Twitch content behind a gate, due to these services' Terms of Use.

14. To remove a Ticket or Subscription from a gate, simply click the trash can icon in the Access Control modal.

Managing Tickets and Subscriptions

You can add multiple tickets, subscriptions, or bundles to a Gate. This is a great way to create tiered pricing.

Tickets or subscriptions grant access to a channel for as long as they are actively applied to the gate. You can also have multiple channels active with different tickets and/or subscriptions associated with each channel. 

You may also change the tickets and/or subscriptions on a channel at any given time by simply toggling the visibility "on" or "off" on a ticket/subscription, therefore preventing new users from purchasing the deactivated ticket/subscription, but allowing those users who hold it to pass through.

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